Fears and Faith...
We had a team meeting Thursday night, we have a great team! There are around 20 of us going to Rwanda! I wish I could say that I was one that heard about the trip and said "that's a great thing, I must go!", but it wasn't like that for me. Jeff was that way, he has wanted to take a trip like this for years. Me, I'm just a big chicken when it comes to traveling, so I never thought about it for too long. Initially, it was just Jeff who was thinking of going. (Initially, this freaked me out too! Afterall, he's a really good husband! What if something were to happen to him?!)
When Jeff told our boys that he was considering going...I have to admit that I was very proud of their responses! They too wanted to go! They commented on how the poor in the U.S. don't really know what poor is, compared to the poor in Africa. They truly wanted to help. They are so full of compassion. Anyway, after seeing their reactions, we began thinking about how awesome it would be to go as a family. Jeff and I began praying about it.
It really is a huge step of faith for me. Coincidentally, (ha!) months ago I had been reading in Luke 17 where the apostles had cried out to Jesus "Increase our faith!" I decided this was a great example and that I too should pray...."Lord, increase my faith!" Could this trip be an answer to that prayer? I believe it is. God is so faithful. I truly believe that He knows best. That in my weakness, He will make me strong.
Now I am eager to go. I am so blessed, I want to bless others. Not that I don't have fears, but I give them to God in the hope that I can be a part of something bigger than myself.